Latest Guide To Intermodal Terminals in Canada for 2024!

Intermodal Terminals In canada
Picture of Francine Goulet
Francine Goulet

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Editor’s note: This post was initially published in December 2022 and has since been revised for comprehensiveness

Canada, a nation rich in natural resources, is also a key player in the world of international trade.  A key element to this success is its extensive network of Intermodal Terminals. These facilities have seen significant growth over the past few decades, and as global trade shows no signs of slowing down, even more domestic Intermodal Terminals are being built across the country.

But which ones are the most important?  Keep reading to find out about the top ten Intermodal Terminals in Canada!

What Is Intermodal?

Intermodal transport offers an efficient way to move goods. It involves seamlessly transferring cargo between different transportation modes, like ships, trains, and trucks. This eliminates the need to constantly repack or unload goods, saving time and reducing the risk of damage.

Intermodal Services

Canada boasts a massive transportation system, with over 41,700 kilometers of railways, 559 seaports, 1.13 million kilometers of roads, and 81 airports, according to a report by the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC).

This report, funded by various partners across Canada, explores the history, purpose, and daily operations of moving goods within the country.

Canada’s trade relies heavily on three key corridors:

  1. Western Asia-Pacific Corridor: Established in 2006 alongside the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative (APGCI), this corridor facilitates trade with Asia.
  1. Ontario-Quebec Corridor: This vital economic zone supports a staggering $560 billion in trade activity.
  1. Atlantic Corridor: This network of intermodal terminals and railways connects North America to Europe, the Caribbean, Latin America, and Asia via the Suez Canal.

Canada’s vast size necessitates a robust transportation system for moving people and goods across the country and internationally. Intermodal terminals play a crucial role in this movement, allowing Canadian businesses to access global markets. With such a diverse transportation network, it can be challenging to track all the terminals and their operators.

What Makes An Intermodal Terminal Top Rated 

Intermodal terminals are specialized facilities designed to streamline the efficient transfer of goods between various transportation modes, such as trucks, trains, and ships. Their performance hinges on a number of crucial factors to ensure smooth operation.

Essential Terminal Attributes:

  • Large Truck Maneuverability: The terminal layout should facilitate the easy movement and maneuvering of large trucks for efficient loading and unloading.
  • Infrastructure and Processes: The terminal should possess the necessary infrastructure and established operational processes to support seamless cargo handling.

Advantages of Intermodal Terminals:

  • Strategic Location

Proximity to major trade routes, ports, and population centers allows for efficient movement of goods.

  • Cargo Versatility 

Well-equipped terminals can handle a diverse range of cargo types, catering to various industry needs.

  • Environmental Sustainability 

Intermodal transport generally offers a lower environmental footprint compared to solely road-based freight transportation.

Key Considerations When Selecting an Intermodal Terminal:

  • Rail-Mounted Gantry Cranes 

Assess whether your specific cargo requires the use of these specialized cranes for loading and unloading.

  • Local Support 

Availability of a local terminal manager and support staff ensures timely resolution of any issues that may arise.

  • Double-Sided Rail Access 

Determine if your cargo requires loading and unloading from both sides of the rail tracks.

  • International Reach 

Consider the terminal’s existing connections with international and domestic markets, especially if future expansion into specific regions is anticipated.

  • Parking Availability 

Adequate parking space for trucks is essential for maintaining efficient operations.

  • Intermodal Operators 

Identify the specific intermodal operators handling equipment within the terminal.

  • Dedicated Operational Company 

Evaluate whether the terminal is managed by a dedicated operational company ensuring efficient oversight.

  • Rail Access 

Determine if your needs require direct rail-side access for loading and unloading.

  • Local Demand 

Understanding the local demand for intermodal services can help predict potential wait times and congestion.

  • Market Specialization 

Some terminals cater to specific market segments; identify if the terminal aligns with your industry needs.

  • Interim Storage 

Availability of on-site storage facilities can be crucial for managing potential delays or unforeseen circumstances.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can select an intermodal terminal that effectively fulfills your specific transportation needs and optimizes your overall supply chain performance.

Canadian National Railway Company Yard Locations

This list provides an overview of CN Rail yard locations in major Canadian cities, presented from east to west for your reference. Please note the order is not specific within each region.

Eastern Canada

  • Halifax, Nova Scotia (Port Code: 009, Sub. Code: 2021)
  • Moncton, New Brunswick (Port Code: 206, Sub. Code: 2108)
  • Montreal, Quebec (Port Code: 395, Sub. Code: 2414)
  • Malport, Ontario (Port Code: 495, Sub. Code: 3006)
  • Brampton (Toronto), Ontario (Port Code: 495, Sub. Code: 3037)

Central Canada

  • Winnipeg, Manitoba (Port Code: 504, Sub. Code: 3147)

Western Canada

  • Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Port Code: 605, Sub. Code: 3215)
  • East Regina, Saskatchewan (Port Code: 0604, Sub. Code: 5817)
  • Edmonton, Alberta (Port Code: 702, Sub. Code: 4492)
  • Calgary Logistics Park, Alberta (Port Code: 701, Sub. Code: 5426)
  • Vancouver, British Columbia (Port Code: 809, Sub. Code: 3373)

For a comprehensive and interactive view of CN’s intermodal terminals and yards, please visit their website at


Canada’s vast resources and strategic location make it a powerhouse in international trade. A key factor behind this success is its extensive network of intermodal terminals in Canada. These facilities seamlessly transfer goods between trucks, trains, and ships, offering a faster, more efficient, and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional methods.

This blog post explored the world of intermodal transportation in Canada. We discussed the essential features of top-rated intermodal terminals, highlighting their strategic locations, cargo versatility, and contribution to a greener supply chain.

We also provided a guide to selecting the optimal intermodal terminal for your specific needs. Factors like rail access, local support, and even on-site storage capabilities can significantly impact your overall supply chain efficiency.

For those interested in exploring specific CN Rail yard locations across Canada, we’ve included a list for your reference. Remember to visit their website,, for a more comprehensive and interactive view of their network.

By leveraging Canada’s intermodal infrastructure, businesses can gain a significant advantage in the global marketplace. Whether you’re a seasoned shipper or just starting out, understanding intermodal transportation options can help you optimize your supply chain and navigate the exciting world of international trade.

With the knowledge provided, take your business to a whole new level using Intermodal shipping!!


What Are Intermodal Terminals?

An intermodal freight terminal acts as a central hub for efficiently moving goods. It’s a designated location where cargo, primarily in standardized containers, is transferred between different transportation methods. This could involve switching from rail to road transport, or vice versa. The terminal provides all the necessary equipment and services to ensure a smooth and efficient transfer process.

What Is The Relationship Between Terminals And Intermodal Transportation?

Since intermodal terminals work best alongside long-distance rail transportation, their location within the rail network is crucial.  Many experts agree that the most important factor is for the terminal to be situated directly next to a railroad’s main line. This close proximity allows for seamless transfer of goods between trains and trucks, maximizing efficiency and minimizing delays.

Picture of Francine Goulet

Francine Goulet

Francine Goulet is the Founder and CEO of, one of the largest intermodal service providers in Canada, serving the North American market...

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